Nick Crasner will be a keynote speaker at this years prestigious Oxbridge Finance Conference

By 20th October 2020Uncategorised


Crasner Capital is excited to share the news that our Founder and Chairman, Nick Crasner has been invited to be a keynote speaker at the upcoming Oxbridge Finance Conference 2020-21 (OFC).

Mr. Crasner will participate on the ‘Finance in Africa’ panel at this prestigious event.

The OFC is a joint venture between the Cambridge University Finance And Investment Society (CUFIS) and Oxford Finance Society (OFS).

Please see below the press release and the link here to the event details.

If you would like to join Thursday’s Africa panel, you can do so with the below dial in details.

Date: Thursday 22nd October 2020
Time: 2pm BST

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 964 7785 3590
Passcode: 090998